Let's Get You Covered

Getting health insurance can be a bit daunting. Let’s take a bit of time and go over a few things that might make your search easier.

I won't cost you anything, but I can save you money.

It’s in your best interest to use a health insurance agent because, unlike other kinds of brokers who charge you fees, health agents get paid by the carriers and your rates aren’t different than if you had signed up with the carrier directly by phone or through the internet. By finding a broker you trust, you have a person to call if there’s a problem, rather than getting in line dialing an 800 number and who knows who you’ll get on the other line!

Individual Coverage:

As a broker, I’m not tied to one insurance carrier. In fact, in most states I can put you with any carrier that offers a qualified health plan! In addition to that, I have options available to you should you miss open enrollment, don’t qualify for a special enrollment period, or your income is too much to qualify for assistance, leaving you to pay full price for very expensive plans.

Employer Group Plans

If you own a business, I can help you get set up on a group plan which you can do any time of the year. With group plans, you are not limited to an enrollment period. Group plans offer benefits that most individual plans do not, such as tax benefits, doctor networks, and some plan benefits.

Non-Insurance Coverage Options

If you’ve heard of Medishare, or some other health-sharing organization, you know that they can offer plans that are typically cheaper than traditional health insurance options. They’re not for everyone, but I have plenty of clients that love them! Read the Primer on Health Sharing in the suggested reading list on the right of this page for more information.

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